A Moment of Clarity.

A sketch of a Indian like male.

Noble Savage

Have you ever felt like a feather caught up in a tornado of mediocre laced mist? Filled with a suffocating under tone of boredom. That seemed to just leech you ever so slowly of the joy found with in your creative time. This forcing you, for how ever brief it is, to reevaluate the reasons why you loved creating Art?

I begged for a moment of clarity in that mist of artistic boredom. That is why i share with you this sketch of a Noble Savage , that stumbled into my gaze. It was this euphoric sensation i felt. The deja vu like reenactment of the moments lost in that sketch, cleared my sight. This is why, my time will be mostly focused on bringing you new creations, or as i like to sometimes call them printed daydreams. So please stay tuned in and enjoy.

However if you would require my skills for any commissioned portraits, please contact me

via any of the following social medias:


Facebook: Kimonlewis

Sincerely Yours KLEW peace & much love to you.

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